9 Reviews

Intellijel Quadrax 3U

IntellijelSKU: 1016607

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Take your modular to the next level. The Intellijel Quadrax provides four independent channels that can be configured to a range of functions. All four of the channels can be configured differently or combined to create complex multi-stage envelopes that trigger from the previous channels end-of-rise or end-of-fall.

Various envelope functions can be applied to each of the CV-controllable channels, providing a range of modulation options. For each of these, curve shape and length can be altered. A pulse burst generator mode creates a finite repeated function with multiple control parameters including ascending or descending volume. Burst length, number and shape are also controllable. The final function is an LFO mode that can be used freely or beat synchronised via the channels trigger input. This can be used to control both the frequency and waveshape of the generated signal.

Multiple envelope configurations

The four independent, CV-controllable channels of the Quadrax can be configured to undertake a range of functions. An AD (attack, delay) or AHR (attack, hold, release) envelope can be configured onto any of the channels. When configured, these envelopes all feature a continuously variable curve, the shape of which can be varied from logarithmic to linear and exponential. The length of the curve can also be manipulated, ranging from 0.3 ms to 20 seconds. This provides a huge range of modulation possibilities. This is also the case for the cycling envelope, which results in a unipolar LFO. This creates an oscillator where the pitch would only rise from the original note.

Pulse generator mode

The channels can also be configured to operate as a pulse burst generator. The resulting effect being a finite repeated function that ascends or descends in volume. The Quadrax allows for full control over the length of generated rising or falling bursts of pulses. It is also possible to control the number of bursts, the shape and whether they increase or decrease in amplitude.

Beat sync-able LFO mode

LFO mode allows control over both the frequency and waveshape of the generated signal. A morphing feature unique to the Quadrax can create multiple variations of the selected waveshape. This multiplies the input signal, creating a variety of parameter controllable signals. LFO’s can be running freely or synced to a beat using the designated channels trigger input.

Four individually configurable channels

Four independent CV-controllable channels can be configured to perform any of the five envelope configurations. Alternatively, channels can be chained together creating complex multi-stage envelopes. In this configuration, each channel is triggered by the previous channels input end-of-rise or end-of-fall. This creates an effect by enabling multiple function generators simultaneously.

Four step-attenuverted CV inputs can be assigned individually to modulate any combination of the parameters across the Quadrax’s four channels. This is achieved using the built-in CV matrix and attenuversion for each channel assignment.

Keep your current patch even without power

If you’ve spent time creating your perfect patch, the Quadrax remembers its current state. This allows you to remove power from the unit and your channel links, CV assignments and other parameters will have been saved. The optional QX module adds individual outputs for each channels end-of-rise and end-of-fall triggers, opening up a whole world of effects.


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