Squarp Instruments Releases V2 Free Firmware Update For Hapax

Discover Hapax

Genuine centerpiece of a setup, Squarp Instruments' Hapax offers every tool needed to compose songs in the studio and perform them on stage. From vintage to modern synths, from modular systems to your favorite DAW, Hapax can sequence and synchronize all your gear, while bringing you carefully crafted tools, designed for maximizing creativity.

Hapax 2.0 Firmware Update

In this version, considerable effort has been dedicated to enhancing ergonomics and refining screen designs.

When it comes to features, the primary focus has been on expanding patterns from 8 to 16 per track. The introduction of follow-actions injects vitality into sections, infusing logic and randomness into the construction of tracks.

A novel MixMute mode has been developed to elevate live performances, facilitate smoother transitions between projects, and empower tracks for multitrack recording.Hapax and Deluge size comparison photos - Hapax - Squarp ForumUsers can now engage in multi-track recording, capturing on multiple tracks simultaneously for a more comprehensive recording experience.

Two new effects take center stage in this release: FX ECHO, heralded as the most advanced delay produced thus far, and FX OUTPUT, enabling rerouting to a different output within the midst of the effect chain.

Importantly, the capability to Import/Export MIDI files has been added, allowing users to save and reuse their own patterns across different projects or load intricate MIDI files from external sources.

The Curve algorithm is now accessible in automation mode, accompanied by the incorporation of a track compensation mechanism and Auto-load functionality.

For those eager to explore the latest enhancements, the download button below provides access to the most recent firmware, complete with a detailed changelog for reference.


This merely scratches the surface; a multitude of undiscovered features awaits exploration in version 2.0 of HapaxOs. For a comprehensive visual tour of the functionalities embedded in this new release, watch the following video presentation.

Visit Squarp Instruments' website HERE for more info.